Wow. Bulma is so cute and at the same time she looks as if ready to engage in some high octane adventure. You have to give the hair stylists credit for their work. If everything else fails, at least they got the hair better than in the animanga. And then below, it the same pic from last post ... IN COLOR! At least now we know the color of the ki ball.

New Images! Goku and Bulma!
At least we now know that Bulma's hair's done wrong as well a better idea of how unsuitable a Gokuu Chatwin makes.
for one thats not supposed to be bulma its suppose to be chi-chi bulma is played by someone else
...the girl there even has chi-chi's hair style
Those Japanese words stand for 'Bulma'
Ya, thats definately Bulma
goku looks gay. so does bulma
Almost all of You people give so much crap about the movie! Why do You want to see the same old story!? This is a movie! Something that could put DB back to life! I`m very glad that the story will differ a little. Besides no matter how awful it will be it still wont be the worst thing that happened to the DB series! Just remember the lame DB GT - that is just awfull! I respect everyones opinion, and please don`t feel ofended! Lets wait and just enjoy the movie as it will be. If we won`t like it, we will call it a disgrace and wait 50 years or so for another better one :P But there is much hope that it wont suck!
IMO they should more stick to the legend that AT based on - i mean Journey to the West. BTW I couldn`t be more suprised when i saw few days ago the movie "Forbidden Kingdom" - the main character reminded mne of Goku. And it surely had much in common - the movie also is based on the same story as DB. I recomend every DB fan to watch it!
I think da muvis gona b awsum. Dats da bst goku dey cud get. Nd goku is neva japanese, he is alien so he can be wateva race as long as he's white skinned and got dat spiky hair. dbz creators may have imagined goku to look like chatwin if he were real neway. mayb dey wernt gud enuf drawers in da first place.
After all the crap Fox has released, some idiots are still deluding themselves into imagining that this flick's going to be at least acceptable.
This Movie will be a big shot beacause this is not the real story of DBZ.
This will just be another fucking movie like this one out in the 80's. with faked characters.
the first shoot are not well story, that's all. and bonus the cast is not good. are you prepared to cry.
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