Saturday, July 19, 2008
Goku In Orange Gi + Bigger Biceps
This actually looks like Dragonball!!! *sigh of relief* We don't know much about this Dragonball movie poster other than that it was posted on some chinese website called dragonballcn.com. The orange uniform looks pretty cool (and comfortable). Gotta love Muten Roshi's kanji. And .. are you seeing what I'm seeing!?! Look at his right arm - no, no, not the Dragonball - his biceps! Has he been working out or is it just a Photoshop job? What do you think?

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This just means Fox doesn't dare to show his face, because it'll be nothing remotely resembling Dragonball if they do
"This just means Fox doesn't dare to show his face, because it'll be nothing remotely resembling Dragonball if they do"
You are F'ing stupid what do you even mean it wont resemble Dragonball. are you seriouse if you werew fallowing what really going on you would not that that statement is full of crap. every one on the cast want this to be as close to the source material goku's character and outfit is the closest that they could get almot with piccolo. and all the actors are trying to get this movie as close as the possibly can but still make it apealing to other beside all you harcore Nazi fans that think every single small detail has to be right but in the end that not possible so just chill out and wait. The japanese say that this goku look almost excatly like he does in the anime not to mention that the background look almost perfect to the anime in this poster so your stupid k im done
Ha!! Are you serious, hinkle? Who are you trying to kid? People who don't even know where Japan is?
If Fox was trying to make the movie as close to the anime as possible, they wouldn't have chosen some white guy to play Goku and Americanized the script to the point of multilation.
As for the Japanese's reaction, you should start looking at the Japanese boards in the case you know Japanese, and stop spilling BS if you don't.
BTW, where are you from anyway? What's with all that Nazi stuff?
Yeah, the Japanese are surely more excited than the northamericans, because they'll be smashing every theatre in Japan showing this flick if it weren't for the security.
So to those northamericans who don't even know where Japan is, STHU
Japanese impression of this poster:
goku wasent japanese in the first place retards ... the dragonball world was like a multiethnic society with talking animals even running around
and btw goku isn't a jap hes a sayian ....
having a japanese male lead would be way too feminine
but yeh the film still sucks either way
That is one of the most racist/stupid things I've read in a while. Wow. Just, wow.
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